
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Functions and properties of the XSP object

Stephan Wissel has blogged about some useful functions of XSP obeject. But the list is not complete. So I decided to put the XSP object through my helper JavaScript function listPropsAndFunctions. Below is the list of whatever I could find. I would be updating this list with explanation of whatever properties and functions I am able to find from time to time.











function _doFireEvent

function _doFireSaveEvent

function _fireSimpleConfirmSubmit

function _getDirtyFormId

function _getEventData

function _isAllowDirtySubmit

function _isDirty

function _loaded

function _moveAttr

function _partialRefresh

function _processListeners

function _pushListener

function _replaceNode

function _saveDirtyForm

function _scrollPosition

function _setAllowDirtySubmit

function _setDirty

function _SubmitListener

function _toggleViewColumnCheckBoxes

function _validateDirtyForm

function _Validator

function addOnLoad - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function addPreSubmitListener - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function addQuerySubmitListener - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function alert - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function allowSubmit - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function attachClientFunction - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function attachClientScript - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function attachDirtyListener - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function attachDirtyUnloadListener - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function attachEvent - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function attachPartial - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function attachSimpleConfirmSubmit

function attachValidator - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function attachViewColumnCheckboxToggler

function canSubmit - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function confirm - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function DateConverter

function DateTimeConverter

function DateTimeRangeValidator

function dispatchEvent

function djRequire

function endsWith - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function error - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function execScripts

function ExpressionValidator

function findForm - Some hints from here and here and I was able to figure out that this function gets the form object in which the element is present whose ID is passed on as argument. The syntax goes like XSP.findForm(elementID).

function findParentByTag

function fireEvent - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function firePartial

function fromJson - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function getDijitFieldValue

function getElementById

function getFieldValue

function getMessage

function getSubmitValue

function hasDijit

function initSectionScript

function IntConverter

function isViewPanelRowSelected

function LengthValidator

function log - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function NumberConverter

function NumberRangeValidator

function parseDojo

function partialRefreshGet - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function partialRefreshPost

function processScripts

function prompt - Same as window.prompt

function publishEvent

function RegExpValidator

function RequiredValidator

function scrollWindow

function serialize - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function setComponentMode

function setSubmitValue - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function showSection - The name is kind of give away. Through some trial and error I was able to figure out the exact syntax for this - XSP.showSection(sectionID, {true|false})

function startsWith - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function tagCloudSliderOnChange

function TimeConverter

function toJson - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function trim - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog

function validateAll

function validationError






validateAllFields - Described in Stephan Wissel's blog


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