
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Configure 24Online for Ubuntu / Linux

At my home I connect to internet using 24Online. The service of this ISP is pretty good with prompt customer support. I recently installed Ubuntu 11.10 with dual boot on my Windows Vista PC. Ubuntu is a pretty good OS, but without an internet connection there's nothing much you can do with it.

For Windows, 24Online provides a UI client.

But for Linux there's no UI client available - only command line utility is available. If you already have an account with 24Online then you can log in your account from browser and download the file from "Client" menu in the website or you can download the file from here (13.2 KB). You can get your IPv4 settings by going to "Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Manage Network Connections". Right click on "Local Area Connection" icon and click on "Properties". From the dialog box select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click on "Properties" button. Note down the IP addresses from the fields marked in the screenshot below.

And if this is too much for you to do then you can always contact support to get the details!

Now log into your Ubuntu OS. From Dash go to "Customization > Network Settings". Click on "Add" button to configure your IPv4 settings.

Give the connection a name. In the "IPv4 Settings" tab select "Method" as "Manual" to add the IP addresses in respective fields and save the settings.

Extract the 24Online client file (24onlinecrclient.tar.gz) downloaded earlier in your desired directory. You should get two files:
  1. crclient - This is the file using which you will be logging into 24Online
  2. README.TXT - Contains various configuration options for "crclient". You can look into it for advanced options
The "crclient" needs to executed so it needs to be given the required permission. Right click on it and click on "Properties". In the "Permissions" tab check "Allow executing file as program". If you are an adventurous type then you can try the command line option of chmod also!

Open Terminal and go to the directory where you extracted crclient using cd command and type in the following command:

./crclient -u <USER NAME>

It will then ask you for server address (DNS server), password & whether you want to save the password or not.

Server Address in dotted decimal format :: <SERVER NAME>
save password(y/n)? y

After successfully logging in it should show you message which should be like this:

./crclient:user '<USER NAME>' successfully logged in to server '<SERVER NAME>'

You are done! And to logout type in the following command:

./crclient -l

I have tried this on Ubuntu 10.10, 11.04 and 11.10. I guess it should work on previous versions also. Don't have much idea about other Linux distros like Fedora, OpenSUSE, etc. If you have done it then do leave a comment and I will be happy to include the same here... :)

1. CyberRoam Client for Linux


  1. wat do i hav to put in when it asks for server address??

    1. For server you need to enter the IP in "Preferred DNS Server" which you can get from IPv4 properties. You can also contact your local 24online center to that your DNS server's IP address.

    2. ok i'll try that as well....thnx!

  2. wat if i use Wine to install the windows version of 24online?? can i make it work?

    1. I haven't worked on Wine so I really can't comment whether it would work on it or not. But if you have 24online client available for Linux then I would recommend using that itself.

  3. Sir, I am getting the following error:

    bash: ./crclient: no such file or directory

    I have verified that I am in the same directory as the crclient file with the ls command. I have also tried to give it executable permission, also ran it with sudo. Always I am getting the same error. Trying run it by context menu > run/open does absolutely nothing.

    This is happening in the latest ubuntu, xubuntu and solus. Funny enough this does not happen with lubuntu. There it is working normally.

    What to do?

    1. It might me the case of trying to run a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit system that doesn't have 32-bit support installed. ( Have you checked that? Other than that I not might be of much help as I believe for Linux their support ended long time back.
